I'm excited to introduce you to one of our newer sweeties. A beautiful little angel that is sugary sweet. When I went to Wylie to pick this sweetie up she was named Penny. What a fitting name for one with such beautiful coppery red hair. I was so excited to meet her but she was terribly timid. She seemed so happy to be out of her area and able to walk and run but cautious of me. Who is that curly headed crazy woman with dog leashes around her neck instead of pearls?

So I checked Penny out and along with another sweetie we were headed home. Now, Penny had a nasty little head on her and it looked to my un-trained eye like mange. Having other pups at home my first priority was to get her vetted.
Well getting her into the crate in the car was interesting. Penny had a lot of fur and she is solid. Weighing in at 18 pounds she barely fit into the crate. But the drive home was about 45 minutes so I didn't want to risk her running loose or attacking me if it turned out that she hated cars.
Needless to say Penny did amazing in the car. This girl came from a life of travel because she hopped right in and settled down easily (once I squeezed her into the crate). She rested quietly during the drive and did great with the leash walking into Doc's office for her check-up.
While I waited for Doc (he squeezed us in between appointments) Penny became a little more comfortable with me. She came close and sniffed my hands and let me scratch her back. Finally Doc was able to meet with us and began his exam. The exam involves a physical check along with blood work, ears, eyes, and so forth. During the exam Doc said something I didn't quite expect...."Jenn, you know that Penny has a penis don't you?".
Yep, Penny is a boy. Her fur was so thick and so matted that I couldn't see the "evidence". I wasn't about to feel Penny up so I trusted my eyes and what the shelter told me. Yep, won't do that again!
After laughing for a bit - Doc was laughing at my surprise and I was laughing at Doc's announcement - we started discussing names. Hmm...Lincoln to keep in line with the name Penny. No...that's a BIG name for such a little dog. How about Copper? Well, not bad but Copper makes me think of Coppertank, a popular local bar from the 90's. No, not that but what about Tank? This fella is built like one, low to the ground, stocky and unbreakable!
Tank has a face that several have told me they think is a bit scary. I don't see that, haven't for one minute. I see sad eyes, heavy with confusion. I see a nose curious about what's around him. I see a mouth that hides a tongue that gives kisses at every possible chance. I see a gentle soul.
Tank hasn't barked yet. He growled once but only when he thought another dog was getting rough with me. Tank doesn't get on the furniture except for my bed. From the first night all he has wanted to do is sleep on the bed. He crawls into his crate without coaching and can snore as loud as a lumberjack.
Tank wags his tail, watches me for positive reinforcement and likes to be scratched. He doesn't understand why I want to carry him against my chest but that will come in time. Of course, at 18 pounds I'm not carrying him a lot! LOL
Tank is heartworm positive but healthy as a horse other than that. His hair issues were actually allergy related and not mange. Whew! With a week of steroids mixed with peanut butter his hair has begun to grow back.
I want good things for all of my fosters but for Tank I really do. This is a loving little dog that wants to please. He hasn't shown much interest in playing with the other pups or running so he would probably do best with a relaxed home. He doesn't mind the other dogs, just doesn't really care either.
If you would be interested in learning more about Tank or making a donation towards his heartworm treatment, please visit our donation link at http://pekesandyou.com/Donate.aspx and select the Texas chapter. All donations go 100% to the pups in our care.
Ok, one more look at this face!
Best wishes and high hopes,
Jennie and the Pretty Pekingese